
MP Visits Arena Basingstoke

MP Visits Arena Basingstoke

Last week saw a VIP visitor to Arena Basingstoke!


The Chairperson of the Women and Equalities Select Committee, Maria Miller visited our newest centre at Basing View to meet with residents of the centre Speakserve in order to discuss the ways in which their services and products can benefit professional women and flexible workers.


Speakserve offer a range of audio and web conferencing services that promote greater flexibility within the workplace. The technology and products they provide ensure that those that cannot physically attend the office each working day can still be a vital part of the team by virtually connecting with their colleagues. With Speakserve’s remote working solutions colleagues can talk, share screens, work on documents simultaneously, conduct meetings and present important information without having to leave their office or home. This encourages a greater level of productivity and delivers cost efficiency by reducing the need to travel. Speakserve’s solutions are well-suited to a variety of workers that require job flexibility – including professional women with family commitments and those who face other difficulties to get to work.


Speakserve made the decision to base their operations in Basingstoke, having found their perfect serviced office at Arena Basingstoke, located in the centre of Basing View. Now settled in their new office, they hope to create a number of new jobs whilst providing opportunity and working solutions for talented individuals who require a level of flexibility in their work. To find out more about Speakserve, their products and services take a look at their website:


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